NFT is the new buzzword on the Internet. It continues to storm top trends on Twitter, and anyone with a few thousand dollars to spare considers it the best investment option. However, there’s a lot more to NFTs than what one reads on the Internet. The Bored Ape or the pixelated JPEGs have certainly made an impact on all kinds of investors for many reasons.
NFTs are digital collectibles. The latter is a hot term among investors who would normally attribute collectibles to items of sheer monetary value, such as antiques, wine, paintings, or classic cars. These assets are treated as great investment options with significant value for returns. Assets also dramatically appreciate in value over time, so their ownership is quite significant to novice as well as the experienced investor.
What makes an asset valuable are usually two factors: scarcity and creator. Who created the asset and how rare it is directly impacting its price tag? NFTs have followed a similar trajectory. Their values have appreciated over time, especially when Mark Zuckerberg announced his empire’s entry into the metaverse.
However, what makes NFTs different than traditional tangible assets is their authenticity. Unlike traditional assets, the NFT market is regulated and there’s no measure of forgery due to the incorporation of blockchain technology. Although NFTs might be a JPEG in true nature; they remain a highly-priced digital collectible and an invaluable investment option.
NFTs and the modern market
NFTs are a relatively new market. It involves high value and high risk, and there is major room for improvement, which NFT geeks are trying to capitalize on. Creators emerge from all over the world to mint unique digital collectibles and sell them online.
When it comes to the demand for NFTs, it follows a relatively similar model as web domains. Lucky were those who realized the Internet’s potential during the dot com boom and jumped to acquire domain names. Now, domain names have become a lucrative item. Early adopters are investing hundreds of thousands of dollars into NFTs to catch their drift before it has entered the mainstream realm of the Internet.
While the market is not saturated, and resources required to create, mint, and host NFTs on platforms are continuously being developed, NFTs have earned their spot as a top-selling digital item, especially among investors. Creators and artists have found an opportunity to create a space of their own. Digital art continues to see its potential skyrocketing more than in the past.
KasaGoldClub, the NFT collection by Katina Stefanova
Katina Stefanova has earned a reputation as asset manager and investor. Being the CEO of Marto Capital, she is set to launch her new NFT brand called KasaGoldClub. Marto is a renowned investment management company that has deployed its resources into the digital asset management space.
Marto has also enabled its investor pool to use the channel of bitcoin and enjoy its perks, including immutability, decentralization, and instant transactions. Stefanova has been at the forefront of Marto Capital’s success, and she introduced strategies along the lines of interest rate, stock index, and currency. Stefanova has also excelled in consultation with asset managers and investors.
Her experience working and learning through social and macroeconomic trends has truly contributed to making this project attractive to investors. Each NFT is available in limited numbers.
With KasaGoldClub, efforts are being lined to democratize investing and allow investors access to digital assets like NFTs. It also brings a VR-based gold mine that attracts gold enthusiasts and investors.
Stefanova believes that NFTs will influence the democratization of investments which will soon become a reality. Investors who join early and become whitelisted on the KasaGoldClub project will gain substantial returns. Even though it appears a lucrative opportunity, Stefanova still advises people to build their understanding and educate themselves on NFTs before injecting money.
With the launch of her NFT project over the horizon, let’s look into the profile of Katina Stefanova and her journey.
Before leading Marto Captial, Stefanova spent nine years at Bridgewater Associates. She started her career as a Senior Investment Associate and jumped to Senior Executive. Later, she climbed the ladder and became a Management Committee Advisor. She brought her experience as a Director of Business Strategy in IBM as well as her investment management in looking into financial services, incorporating technology in the landscape of investing.
She is professionally attributed as the Founder, CEO, and CIO of Marto Capital. It’s a globally spread firm that trades in foreign exchange, equities and commodities. Katina has pioneered her asset management and finance background to bring new ideas to the table. She has been seen speaking at different conferences across the world, including entrepreneurship, technology, asset management, blockchain in FinTech, etc. She remains a thought leader in the asset management sector.
She also led AcordIQ, which specializes in portfolio intelligence and governance solutions with consulting services to asset managers and investors. A Harvard Business grad, she also holds a BA In International Relations from Brigham Young University.
Technology roadmaps are key, believes Stefanova
She adds that organizations can use technology roadmaps to understand better and predict their future demands, making it easier to come up with technical specifications. It is via the use of technology roadmaps that organizations are better able to weather economic storms.
Given today’s pace of technological development, a roadmap can help alleviate a lot of confusion inside the firm, harmonizing vision and goals as well as suggesting new technology alternatives. There is a strategy in place to upgrade the company’s digital infrastructure soon.
For example, if a company needs to know how much operational cash it has on hand and where it is, using cryptography to track that cash could be beneficial. When a business commits to a crypto transaction, the transaction is locked until it is settled, which usually takes only minutes or seconds. It is impossible for the corporation to double-spend because the transaction has been frozen.
The blockchain and cryptocurrency industries are constantly expanding. As a result, investors and asset managers are looking to blockchain and tokenization as new methods of increasing returns and diversifying assets. As a result of these platforms, a larger pool of potential investors has emerged, and investors may now better research, reorganize, and rethink their investment strategies.
Katina further adds that another benefit investors see the financial freedom that crypto affords them, as they are no longer bound by the restrictions of traditional banking. These platforms have helped the companies to establish a solid financial infrastructure; they are quick to extend the offering of assets their clients require and help the investors obtain the tools they need to manage and protect their crypto assets.