INTERVIEW ON THE PRICE OF BUSINESS SHOW, MEDIA PARTNER OF THIS SITE. Recently Kevin Price, Host of the nationally syndicated Price of Business Show, interviewed Jeremy Murphy. Price and Murphy compare woke culture in the media in the US and UK. Woke culture is a social movement that seeks to raise awareness of and address issues of…
Tag: Kevin Price
The Unintended Consequences of Biden’s Climate Agenda
The White House, CC BY 3.0 US, via Wikimedia Commons Recently Kevin Price, Host of the nationally syndicated Price of Business Show, interviewed John D. O’Connor. When Joe Biden ran for his party’s presidential nomination, he cut a deal with Progressives to push an unprecedented climate agenda, and ran unapologetically on it. So when he was elected…
Let’s Change the Conversation About Drugs
INTERVIEW ON THE PRICE OF BUSINESS SHOW, MEDIA PARTNER OF THIS SITE. Recently Kevin Price, Host of the nationally syndicated Price of Business Show, welcomed Paul Vecchione to provide another commentary in a series. The Paul Vecchione Commentaries For millennia, substance abuse and addiction, as well as mental illness has plagued humanity, but it’s really…
Bad Actors in Healthcare; the Price of Being Harmed by Those You Trust
INTERVIEW ON THE PRICE OF BUSINESS SHOW, MEDIA PARTNER OF THIS SITE. Recently Kevin Price, Host of the nationally syndicated Price of Business Show, interviewed Dr. David Wilcox. Health Transparency: The Real Truth with Dr. David Wilcox Every profession has some bad actors. Consider mechanics who want to do unnecessary work on your car or plumbers who…
Chile’s Quest for Global Lithium Leadership Mantle
INTERVIEW ON THE PRICE OF BUSINESS SHOW, MEDIA PARTNER OF THIS SITE. Recently Kevin Price, Host of the nationally syndicated Price of Business Show, interviewed Henk van Alphen, CEO, Wealth Minerals. Chile is the second largest producer of lithium in the world, and electric vehicle producers are looking to the country for affordable supplies of…
Bestselling Author on His New Book, “YOU TALKIN’ TO ME?”
INTERVIEW ON THE PRICE OF BUSINESS SHOW, MEDIA PARTNER OF THIS SITE. Recently Kevin Price, Host of the nationally syndicated Price of Business Show, interviewed Brian Abrams. Price visits with bestselling author Brian Abrams and discuss the author’s new book. Iconic movie lines have long dominated pop culture — a simple line in a film…
Increase Confidence in Your Prospecting Efforts
INTERVIEW ON THE PRICE OF BUSINESS SHOW, MEDIA PARTNER OF THIS SITE. Recently Kevin Price, Host of the nationally syndicated Price of Business Show, interviewed Sara Murray. Prospecting, business development, and the ability to build relationship currency is a lost art form in a world of instant gratification, inauthenticity, multi-generation gaps, virtual landscapes, and an…
The Importance of the Body Mass Index [BMI]
INTERVIEW ON THE PRICE OF BUSINESS SHOW, MEDIA PARTNER OF THIS SITE. Recently Kevin Price, Host of the nationally syndicated Price of Business Show, welcomed Dr. John Poothullill to provide another commentary in a series. The Dr. John Poothullil Commentaries The body mass index is not applicable to medical conditions at the individual level. Therefore,…
Cool eBikes With a So Cal Vibe
INTERVIEW ON THE PRICE OF BUSINESS SHOW, MEDIA PARTNER OF THIS SITE. Recently Kevin Price, Host of the nationally syndicated Price of Business Show, interviewed Josh Jones. Murf Electric Bikes was founded in 2016 in San Clemente, California, by Josh Jones, the current CEO. Josh realized San Clemente resident surfers needed an economical, sustainable, and…
Embracing the Tapestry of Humanity: The Power of Valuing Others
INTERVIEW ON THE PRICE OF BUSINESS SHOW, MEDIA PARTNER OF THIS SITE. Recently Kevin Price, Host of the nationally syndicated Price of Business Show, welcomed Adam Langford to provide another commentary in a series. The Adam Langford Commentaries As we live in a fast-paced and interconnected world, we often overlook the importance of those around…
Stop Bullying
INTERVIEW ON THE PRICE OF BUSINESS SHOW, MEDIA PARTNER OF THIS SITE. Recently Kevin Price, Host of the nationally syndicated Price of Business Show, welcomed Michelle Kaiser to provide another commentary in a series. The Michelle Kaiser Commentaries Reports show bullying is highest for middle schools (22%). Visit my website at for resources to help us stop…
Trump’s “Free Speech” Argument Faces a Long Road
INTERVIEW ON THE PRICE OF BUSINESS SHOW, MEDIA PARTNER OF THIS SITE. Recently Kevin Price, Host of the nationally syndicated Price of Business Show, interviewed attorney, Lee Kaplan. Kevin Price, Editor at Large for USABR and Host of the nationally syndicated Price of Business show, recently interviewed Lee Kaplan of the business law firm, Smyser, Kaplan, and Veselka about…
As Temperatures Rise, Solution for Cramping Arrives
INTERVIEW ON THE PRICE OF BUSINESS SHOW, MEDIA PARTNER OF THIS SITE. Recently Kevin Price, Host of the nationally syndicated Price of Business Show, interviewed Filip Keuppens. On a recent Price of Business, Host Kevin Price visited with Filip Keuppens of the beverage company, Pickle Juice. Pickle Juice is the only product on the market scientifically…
Understand the Benefits Triggers in Your Long Term Care Insurance Policy
INTERVIEW ON THE PRICE OF BUSINESS SHOW, MEDIA PARTNER OF THIS SITE. Recently Kevin Price, Host of the nationally syndicated Price of Business show and editor on this website, interviewed Brian Gordon of Gordon Associates, a leading firm when it comes to addressing long term care needs. The point of having a Long Term Care Insurance policy…
Apartment and Multifamily Fires Claims
INTERVIEW ON THE PRICE OF BUSINESS SHOW, MEDIA PARTNER OF THIS SITE. Recently Kevin Price, Host of the nationally syndicated Price of Business Show, interviewed Scott Friedson. The Scott Friedson Commentaries Price and Friedson discussed the sudden rise in fires that have impacted multifamily dwellings. Friedson examines the frequent errors that happen in making these insurance claims…
AI – What Does It Mean for My Small Business?
INTERVIEW ON THE PRICE OF BUSINESS SHOW, MEDIA PARTNER OF THIS SITE. Recently Kevin Price, Host of the nationally syndicated Price of Business Show, interviewed Joseph Meuse. Price and Meuse discuss the explosion of AI (artificial intelligence), why many fear it, and how small businesses can profitably make peace with it. After years on Wall Street, Joseph Meuse…
Supreme Court’s Reversal on Affirmative Action Will Profoundly Impact Minorities
INTERVIEW ON THE PRICE OF BUSINESS SHOW, MEDIA PARTNER OF THIS SITE. Recently Kevin Price, Host of the nationally syndicated Price of Business Show, interviewed filmmaker Warren D. Robinson (image below). Price and Robinson discussed the Supreme Court’s reversal of long standing Affirmative Action policy and the profoundly negative impact it will likely have on minorities. In a…
What’s Going on with Tech Stocks?
INTERVIEW ON THE PRICE OF BUSINESS SHOW, MEDIA PARTNER OF THIS SITE. Recently Kevin Price, Host of the nationally syndicated Price of Business Show, interviewed Michael Neuenschwander. Price and Neuenschwander discussed the recent beating that tech stocks received and what investors should know about them. Topics include: * How Wall Street is different than Main Street * Why…
Serenades Under the Night Sky
INTERVIEW ON THE PRICE OF BUSINESS SHOW, MEDIA PARTNER OF THIS SITE. Recently Kevin Price, Host of the nationally syndicated Price of Business Show, welcomed Kimberly Evering, aka Gal on the Go to provide another commentary in a series. The Kimberly Evering Commentaries Outdoor concerts, a magical tradition under the starlit sky, blend music, nature, and…
Defense Primes Can’t Keep Up With AI Startups
INTERVIEW ON THE PRICE OF BUSINESS SHOW, MEDIA PARTNER OF THIS SITE. Recently Kevin Price, Host of the nationally syndicated Price of Business Show, welcomed J.L. Hancock to provide another commentary in a series. The J.L. Hancock Commentaries Currently working as an author, consultant, and mentor for tech startups, J.L. Hancock is the former head of innovation for…
Making Peace With Your Gut
INTERVIEW ON THE PRICE OF BUSINESS SHOW, MEDIA PARTNER OF THIS SITE. Recently Kevin Price, Host of the nationally syndicated Price of Business Show, interviewed Simmi Chopra. The gastrointestinal tract (gut) is the most central organ in the body! It directly impacts nearly every part of the body meaning it is central to our overall mental and physical wellness….
Quit Smoking – NOW!
Commentary ON THE PRICE OF BUSINESS SHOW, MEDIA PARTNER OF THIS SITE. Recently, Denise Billen-Mejia spoke on the Price of Business. The Denise Billen-Mejia Commentaries One of the most common reasons people seek the help of a hypnotist is to quit smoking. My guest, Denise Oakley Hall, is a seasoned hypnotist who was always motivated to…
Do You Have the Right “App-Titude Toward Your Health?”
INTERVIEW ON THE PRICE OF BUSINESS SHOW, MEDIA PARTNER OF THIS SITE. Recently Kevin Price, Host of the nationally syndicated Price of Business Show, welcomed Dr. Ann Hester to provide another commentary in a series. The Dr. Ann Hester Commentaries Today’s technologies never cease to amaze us. Astounding technological advances make headline news regularly. Machine learning and artificial intelligence…
AVEO Oncology Acquired by LG Chem – Sets Sights on Being Global Top 20 Innovative Oncology Company
INTERVIEW ON THE PRICE OF BUSINESS SHOW, MEDIA PARTNER OF THIS SITE. Recently Kevin Price, Host of the nationally syndicated Price of Business Show, interviewed Michael Bailey. The Price of Business recently sat with Michael Bailey, CEO, AVEO Oncology, an LG Chem Company, (, for an update on their recent acquisition by Korean multinational, LG…
Why Can’t Contractors and the Insurance Company’s Adjuster Take Care of Both the Insurer and the Property Owner?
INTERVIEW ON THE PRICE OF BUSINESS SHOW, MEDIA PARTNER OF THIS SITE. Recently Kevin Price, Host of the nationally syndicated Price of Business Show, interviewed Scott Friedson. The Scott Friedson Commentaries Price and Friedson talk about how the relationship between the policyholder and insurance changes once the former makes a claim. They discuss the dangers of navigating…
Is Boxed Water Really Better?
INTERVIEW ON THE PRICE OF BUSINESS SHOW, MEDIA PARTNER OF THIS SITE. Recently Kevin Price, Host of the nationally syndicated Price of Business Show, interviewed Rob Koenen. On a recent Price of Business, Host Kevin Price visited with Rob Koenen about Boxed Water. Koenen argues that it is better on many different levels, including the environment. According to…
How Vulnerable Is the US Banking System to Monetary Tightening?
INTERVIEW ON THE PRICE OF BUSINESS SHOW, MEDIA PARTNER OF THIS SITE. Recently Kevin Price, Host of the nationally syndicated Price of Business Show, interviewed Dr. Lucjan T. Orlowski. On a recent Price of Business show, host Kevin Price interviewed Dr. Lucjan T. Orlowski of Sacred Heart University. The ongoing monetary tightening results in substantial interest…
What’s at the Root of the Tallest Poppy Syndrome?
INTERVIEW ON THE PRICE OF BUSINESS SHOW, MEDIA PARTNER OF THIS SITE. Recently Kevin Price, Host of the nationally syndicated Price of Business Show, welcomed Naomi N. Ali to provide another commentary in a series. The Naomi N. Ali Commentaries High-achieving women leaders are being cut down because of their success. This according to a recent…
Famed Business Writer Discusses His Bestseller, “Swamped!”
INTERVIEW ON THE PRICE OF BUSINESS SHOW, MEDIA PARTNER OF THIS SITE. Recently Kevin Price, Host of the nationally syndicated Price of Business Show, interviewed Ken Wells. “I’m actually a former WSJ Page One editor and writer who spent 24 years on the Journal before moving on to Bloomberg Businessweek for six more years, where I served…
Tips for Prepping for a Marathon
INTERVIEW ON THE PRICE OF BUSINESS SHOW, MEDIA PARTNER OF THIS SITE. Recently Kevin Price, Host of the nationally syndicated Price of Business Show, welcomed Kimberly Evering, aka Gal on the Go to provide another commentary in a series. The Kimberly Evering Commentaries The host of the Lifestyle commentary show on Price of Business, Kimberly (Gal…
How an Existential Health Crisis Changed the Life of This Business Coach
INTERVIEW ON THE PRICE OF BUSINESS SHOW, MEDIA PARTNER OF THIS SITE. Recently Kevin Price, Host of the nationally syndicated Price of Business Show, welcomed Chrissa Valanti to provide another commentary in a series. The Chrissa Valanti Commentaries Price and Valanti introduce a new series on the Price of Business Digital Network. It can be found at our partner…
Common Signs of Hearing Loss
INTERVIEW ON THE PRICE OF BUSINESS SHOW, MEDIA PARTNER OF THIS SITE. Recently Kevin Price, Host of the nationally syndicated Price of Business Show, welcomed Dr. Amy Sarow to provide another commentary in a series. The Dr. Amy Sarow Commentaries Sensorineural hearing loss affects millions of Americans, and most of us know someone with hearing…
Latest Trusted Advisor: Be a Champ on Cyber and Privacy
INTERVIEW ON THE PRICE OF BUSINESS SHOW, MEDIA PARTNER OF THIS SITE. Recently Kevin Price, Host of the nationally syndicated Price of Business Show, interviewed Daniel A. Cotter, Attorney, and Counselor. The Daniel Cotter Commentaries Welcome to “Your Attorney as a Trusted Advisor with Daniel Cotter.” I’m Daniel Cotter, Attorney and Counselor at Howard & Howard Attorneys, PLLC. …
Whose Voice Do You Listen To?
INTERVIEW ON THE PRICE OF BUSINESS SHOW, MEDIA PARTNER OF THIS SITE. Recently Kevin Price, Host of the nationally syndicated Price of Business Show, welcomed Lori Keesey to provide another commentary in a series. The Lori Keesey Commentaries You’ve likely seen them … commercials evoking the concept of “good vs. evil” to pitch a product or service. The…
Points of Leadership: Transformational Leadership
INTERVIEW ON THE PRICE OF BUSINESS SHOW, MEDIA PARTNER OF THIS SITE. Recently Kevin Price, Host of the nationally syndicated Price of Business Show, welcomed Dr. Feyi Obamehinti to provide another commentary in a series. The Dr. Feyi Obamehinti Commentaries “Remember your leaders, who spoke the word of God to you. Consider the outcome of their way…
Confidence Slayers: Sparking Sensibilities
INTERVIEW ON THE PRICE OF BUSINESS SHOW, MEDIA PARTNER OF THIS SITE. Recently Kevin Price, Host of the nationally syndicated Price of Business Show, welcomed Dr. Cassandra McBride-Smith to provide another commentary in a series. The Dr. Cassandra McBride-Smith Commentaries If you listened to my last commentary on my book Confidence Slayers Fragile Souls set to release…
The FBI and Hunter Biden
Recently Kevin Price, Host of the nationally syndicated Price of Business Show, interviewed John D. O’Connor. The FBI’s intervention in quashing the Hunter Biden laptop story in 2020 as ramifications that extend far beyond this story. Traditional American values exalt not only free speech, but also and more importantly, open and even heated debate. But Progressives, whose…
What’s Holding Up the Choice of a House Speaker?
INTERVIEW ON THE PRICE OF BUSINESS SHOW, MEDIA PARTNER OF THIS SITE. Recently Kevin Price, Host of the nationally syndicated Price of Business Show, interviewed Barbara Comstock. Price and Comstock look at the divisions in the GOP in the House and the divisive process of choosing a new Speaker. She draws on her years of experience as a Member…
Small Business Is Big Business
INTERVIEW ON THE PRICE OF BUSINESS SHOW, MEDIA PARTNER OF THIS SITE. Recently Kevin Price, Host of the nationally syndicated Price of Business Show, welcomed Juan Jeffery to provide another commentary in a series. The Juan Jeffery Commentaries Build Wealth Through Your Business – How to Scale your business 100X. Juan Jeffery is an entrepreneur, business growth and finance consultant, aspiring…
Can You Make Money While Real Estate Prices Drop?
Commentary ON THE PRICE OF BUSINESS SHOW, MEDIA PARTNER OF THIS SITE. Recently, financial authority Chris Miles spoke on the Price of Business. The Chris Miles Interviews We’re beginning to see real estate prices drop since last June. What does that mean for investors? Is it possible to still make money when the value of…